In Exterior Painting, Home Decor, Home Decorating, Interior Painting

Home Sweet Home is the feeling we love when we think of our personal spaces.  At any time of year colours play a huge part in setting the mood for us feeling happy and comfy cozy in our homes.

It is especially true at this time of year with Christmas celebrations, family and friends gathering together, our choices are plenty when adding colour to our home decor.

gingerbread house decorated with lights adds colour to home decor

Thanks to Pina (co-owner of ) for putting this great list of colours in home decor that she likes to add in our home decor during the Christmas holiday season.

We thought we would share them with you and more likely than not they are probably some of your favourite colours to decorate with too.

the colours of christmas cupcakes with chocolate icing and sprinkles

Painting Is A Quick Way To Change The Home Decor

Nothing says warm and cozy than the colours of all the joyous decorations at this time of year.  Bold and bright, simple to lavish, our home decor during the holidays is beyond our everyday.

From the traditional red, green, silver and gold to the modern coppers and blues and more our choices are almost endless.

Picking out colours to adorn our walls is a key element in the decorating of our home and the foundation of the beginning to an update in home decor and how it makes us feel as proven in the psychology of how colours make us feel and why we choose them.

When all the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season is done we all want to start with a new slate.  Why not update the home with a fresh new colour and a professional painting upgrade.

While traditionally paint colours for walls has been in the neutral tones, to create the ambience of cozy and comfort, but over the years the typical beiges and whites have been upgraded with different hues and tints added.  Even white paint now comes with undertones of blue, green, brown and hints of gray giving a fresh, clean crisp look and feel to any room.

Neutral is no longer boring by being in just a beige, cream or off white.  Today homeowners use shades of gray when painting the interior of their space as gray has become a popular go to neutral, and is often times referred to as greige.

From what’s trending to traditional when choosing the perfect paint colour scheme for your home a consultation with a painter or an interior designer is always an option if you are looking for advice before making the decision.

When you are ready to get started on your home update, we hope you will contact us as your painting company.  We look forward to being able to discuss your project with you. Book an appointment with us

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and the Best in 2019.


updated March 13, 2020 at 11:10 am